60614 CHICAGO Illinois

Zip Code: 60614 Population: 65474
Area Code: 312/773 Households per Zip Code: 38093
City: CHICAGO Average House Value: 520900
State: Illinois Avg. Income Per Household: 68324
County: COOK Persons Per Household: 1.7
Latitude: 41.922065 White Population: 57688
Longitude: -87.649316 Black Population: 2704
Elevation: 596 Hispanic Population: 3554
City Alias(es): CHICAGO MSA: 1602
MSA Name: 1600
PMSA: 176
Zip Code Database Field Definitions
Zip Code
5 digit zip code as designated by the United States Postal Service.
U.S. Territories are also included in our data. (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, etc.)
City name as designated by the United States Postal Service.
Area Code
Telephone area code(s) of the particular postal zone (zip code).
Sorting by this field will give you all the data grouped by area code.
The full U.S. state name.
City Alias
The alias name for the ZIP Code. This may be a city name, postal entity, community or a municipality name.
The city alias names are the reason why our database has approximately 78,000+ records. There are only about 43,000 U.S. zip codes, but since we list each city alias within a zip code, we end up with almost double the number of records.
County or parish where the ZIP Code resides.
As with any of our data fields, you can sort the data by this field and the result will be data grouped by county.
The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator.
The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich (prime) meridian.
The county's average elevation.
The population of the ZIP Code based on Census 2000.
The population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Households per ZIP Code
Total estimated amount of households per ZIP Code based on Census 2000.
The households per zip numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Persons per Household
Average number of individuals per household.
The average number of individuals per household are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
White Population
The estimate of White population per ZIP code based on Census 2000.
The white population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Black Population
The estimate of Black population per ZIP code based on Census 2000.
The black population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Hispanic Population
The estimate of Hispanic population per ZIP code based on Census 2000.
The hispanic population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Income Per Household
The average household income per ZIP code based on Census 2000
Sort by this field to get all the top household incomes by zip code.
The average household income numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Average House Value
The average house value per ZIP code based on Census 2000.
Sort by this field to get the top house values by zip code.
The average house value numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2000 numbers.
Metropolitan Statistical Area. (no longer used by government - CBSA is the new standard)
MSA's were replaced by CBSA's in the 90's. We keep the old MSA's in our database because some of our older customers have mapped their data by this information and it makes it easier for them if we leave the data in the database.
MSA Name
Metropolitan Statistical Area Description Name.
Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area.
This is the area that the Census Bureau designates as the "primary" area within a given MSA.